OJAP would like to thanks Guest Editors Sima Noghanian, Lei Guo and Irene S. Karanasiou for their dedication and contribution to the Special Section.
Women in the AP-S are making significant contributions to research and innovation, often producing groundbreaking work in various disciplines. Ten articles have been accepted for publication in this special section, covering four distinct topics: Advances in antenna design, Beamforming and Wireless Fading Channels, Wireless Power Transfer Systems, and Biomedical Imaging and Antennas.
This special section highlights only a few exemplary cases of women-led research, showcasing their achievements and demonstrating the positive impact of these advancements in supporting women in the AP-S. View Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Section on Women’s Research in Antennas and Propagation Section (WRAPS) here and the collection of articles here.