Download Call for Papers (PDF)
Submission Deadline: 31 October 2022
Aims & Scope: This special topic will cover various design architectures for ultra-wideband and millimeter-wave band (3.1 GHz – 30+ GHz) phased array antennas and the corresponding low-loss, wideband feeding network designs. Topics of interest also include various fabrication technologies such as additive manufacturing/ink-jet printing on flexible and rigid substrates, as well as novel design techniques to reduce mutual coupling and increase gain, bandwidth, beam steering range, etc.
As wireless applications are evolving with an incredible pace, there is a strong need to develop novel approaches and enhanced capabilities for high-throughput communication and wireless power telemetry. Ultra-wideband and millimeter-wave frequency ranges help address the throughput demand by providing higher bandwidth that is much needed for 5G wireless communication and beyond. In recent years, the demand for ultra-wideband/millimeter-wave antennas that are compact, high-gain, and capable of providing reconfigurable multibeam patterns is soaring higher and higher. This is especially relevant for autonomous vehicle applications such as unmanned aircraft vehicles (UAVs) that are being increasingly deployed in surveillance, package delivery, environmental sensing, etc.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
- Novel active or passive (e.g., reflectarray/transmitarray architecture) phased-array antennas working in the ultra-wideband and millimeter-wave bands
- Substrate integrated waveguide antenna arrays working at millimeter-wave frequencies
- Millimeter-wave/ultra-wideband phased array antenna fabricated using additive manufacturing/ink-jet printing on flexible/rigid substrates
- Beamformer design and experimental evaluation techniques
- Novel architecture and feeding network design techniques to reduce mutual coupling and increase gain, bandwidth, beam steering range, etc.
- Multi-beam phased array antenna
- Millimeter-wave
- Ultra-wideband
- Additive manufacturing
- Wireless power transfer
- Substrate integrated waveguide
Lead Guest Editor
Prof. Ifana Mahbub
University of North Texas, USA
Guest Editors
Prof. Hung Luyen,
University of North Texas, USA