2019 IEEE AP-S Fellows

Max Ammann

Max Ammann

“for contributions to compact antennas for wideband wireless applications”

Olav Breinbjerg

Olav Breinbjerg

“for leadership in spherical near-field antenna measurements”

Qing-Xin Chu

Qing-Xin Chu

“for contributions to compact wideband antennas”

Tayeb Denidni

Tayeb Denidni

“for contributions to frequency selective surfaces and their application to reconfigurable antennas”

Dejan Filipovic

Dejan Filipovic

“for contributions to frequency-independent and wideband antennas”

Christophe Fumeaux

Christophe Fumeaux

“for contributions to resonant dielectric-loaded antennas”

Steven Gao

Steven Gao

“for contributions to low-cost pattern-reconfigurable and broadband printed antennas”

Derek McNamara

Derek McNamara

“for contributions to antenna synthesis and engineering”

Xianming Qing

Xianming Qing

“for contributions to antennas for radio frequency identification systems”

Fan Yang

Fan Yang

“for contributions to surface electromagnetics for antennas”

2019 IEEE Fellows Elevated by other IEEE Societies

Lin Zhong

Lin Zhong

“for contributions to the development of energy-efficient driver circuits for organic light-emitting diodes”

Lijun Jiang

Lijun Jiang

“for contributions to broadband computational electromagnetic methods”

Pierre Blondy

Pierre Blondy

“for contributions to radio frequency micro electromechanical systems”

Richard Campbell

Richard Campbell

“for contributions to millimeter and terahertz wafer-probe technology”

Nitin Jain

Nitin Jain

“for leadership in the development of physics-based models for mm-wave System-on-Chip ICs”

Mona Jarrahi

Mona Jarrahi

“for contributions to terahertz technology and microwave photonics”

Yuanxun Wang

Yuanxun Wang

“for contributions to time-varying and nonlinear electromagnetic devices and systems”