The following are the names and citations of members of the Antennas and Propagation Society who were elected as IEEE Fellows for the year 2010.

Fellows Evaluated by the Antenna & Propagation Society

Shanker Balasubramaniam

Shanker Balasubramaniam

Michigan State University, USA

“for contributions to time and frequency domain in computational electromagnetics”

Jennifer Bernhardt

Jennifer Bernhardt

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA

“for development of multifunctional, reconfigurable, and integrated antennas”

Shira Broschat

Shira Broschat

Washingston State Univeristy, USA

“For contributions to modeling of rough surface electromagnetic scattering”

Isamu Chiba

Isamu Chiba

Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan

“for leadership in high precision phased array antenna systems with digital signal processing”

Jose Encinar Garcinuno

Jose Encinar Garcinuno

Universidad Politecnica De Madrid, Spain

“for contributions to analysis and design of reflectarray antennas”

Powen Hsu

Powen Hsu

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

“for leadership in electrical engineering education”

Yoshio Karasawa

Yoshio Karasawa

The University of Electro-Communications, Japan

“for contributions to the measurement and modeling of propagation effects in radio communication systems”

Duixian Liu

Duixian Liu

IBM Thomas J. Watson Res. Center, USA

“for contributions to portable system and millimeter wave antenna design”

Douglas Riley

Douglas Riley

Northrop Grumman Corporation, USA

“for contributions to time-domain techniques in computational electromagnetics”

Abdel Sebak

Abdel Sebak

Concordia University, Canada

“for contributions to electromagnetics scattering, and design and modeling of antennas”

Giuseppe Vecchi

Giuseppe Vecchi

Politecnico di Torino, Italy

“for the application of multi-resolution algorithms to computational electromagnetics”

Kiyotoshi Yasumoto

Kiyotoshi Yasumoto

Kyushu University, Japan

“for contributions to electromagnetic wave scattering and wave guiding”

Yue Ping Zhang

Yue Ping Zhang

Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

“for contributions to integrated antennas and subsurface radio”

Fellows Elevated by Other Societies

Christophe Caloz

Christophe Caloz

École Polytechnique, Montréal, Canada

“for contributions to the development and application of electromagnetic metamaterial structures”

Norman Chapman

Norman Chapman

University of Victoria, Canada

“for contributions to geoacoustic characterization of ocean bottom environments”

Zhizhang Chen

Zhizhang Chen

Dalhousie University, Canada

“for contributions to time-domain electromagnetic modeling and simulation”

Paul Dodd

Paul Dodd

Sandia National Lab, USA

“for contributions to the understanding and simulation of single-event effects in microelectronics”

Christopher Holloway

Christopher Holloway

National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA

"for application of new material in the field of electromagnetic compatibility”

Ching-Wen Hsue

Ching-Wen Hsue

National Taiwan Univ. of Science & Technology (NTUST), Taiwan

"for contribution to discrete-time signal processing in microwave engineering”

Takamaro Kikkawa

Takamaro Kikkawa

Hiroshima University, Japan

"for contributions to interconnect technologies for integrated circuits”

Shiban Koul

Shiban Koul

Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India

"for contributions to analysis and design of microwave and millimeter wave components and circuits”

Richard Lai

Richard Lai

Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, USA

"for development and space-qualified insertion of millimeter-wave transistor and integrated-circuit technologies”

Jenshan Lin

Jenshan Lin

University of Florida, USA

"for contributions to integrated microwave circuits and systems for wireless sensors”

Francisco Mena

Francisco Mena

University of Seville, Spain

"for contributions to the analysis and physical understanding of planar structures, anisotropic media, and metamaterials”

Maria Sabrina Sarto

Maria Sabrina Sarto

Sapienza University of Rome, Italy

"for contributions to advanced materials in electromagnetic compatibility applications”

Motoyuki Sato

Motoyuki Sato

CNEAS, Tohoku University, Japan

"for contributions to radar remote sensing technologies in environmental and humanitarian applications”

Emmanouil Tentzeris

Emmanouil Tentzeris

Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

"for contributions to three dimensional conformal integrated devices for wireless communications and sensing”

Valentino Trainotti

Valentino Trainotti

University of Buenos Aires, Argentina

"for contributions to the broadcast industry through development of antenna and propagation technologies”

John Vesecky

John Vesecky

University of California at Santa Cruz, USA

"for contributions to marine remote sensing and technology”

Steven Wright

Steven Wright

Texas A&M University, USA

"for contributions to parallel magnetic resonance imaging methods and systems”

Ruey-Beei Wu

Ruey-Beei Wu

National Taiwan University, Taiwan

"for contributions to coplanar waveguide passive components”