IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation

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Submission Deadline: 30 November 2021

Microwave Biomedical Imaging: Innovative Methods and Systems Towards Clinical ApplicationsAims & Scope: Practical clinical applications require compact, low-cost devices with high degree of system integration along with innovative imaging and sensing methods. This Special Section focuses on the latest advancements in: (i) antennas, sensors and system-level designs of high-frequency systems for biomedical diagnostics, (ii) methods for system calibration and quality control, (iii) novel image-reconstruction algorithms that demonstrate in experiments the image quality and computational efficiency needed in real-life clinical applications, (iv) methods for noise and clutter suppression in imaging and sensing biomedical applications, (v) studies of the sensitivity and specificity of high-frequency electromagnetic systems in biomedical diagnostics, and (vi) studies of the electromagnetic properties of living tissue and related applications in the forward and inverse models of scattering. We also invite contributions reporting experiment-supported and health-related studies exploring multi-physics interactions between electromagnetic, acoustic, and thermal effects in tissue.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Antennas, sensors, and antenna arrays for biomedical sensing and imaging
  • Imaging system calibration and quality control
  • Image-reconstruction methods for biomedical imaging
  • System design and architectures for imaging and sensing applications in bio-medicine
  • Sensitivity and specificity of high-frequency imaging systems in medical diagnostics
  • Electromagnetic properties of living tissues at microwave and millimeter-wave frequencies
  • Multi-physics interactions between electromagnetic, acoustic, and thermal effects in tissue


  1. Microwave imaging and sensing
  2. Biomedical applications
  3. Biomedical high-frequency electronics
  4. Medical diagnostics
  5. Health monitoring
  6. Tissue properties

Lead Guest Editors

Sandra Costanzo
University of Calabria, Italy
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Natalia K. Nikolova
McMaster University, Canada
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