Guest Editorial on Theory and Applications of Characteristic Modes B. K. Lau, D. Manteuffel, H. Arai, and S. V. Hum

Computation of Characteristic Modes Computational Analysis and Verifications of Characteristic Modes in Real Materials Z. T. Miers and B. K. Lau

Large-Scale Characteristic Mode Analysis With Fast Multipole Algorithms Q. I. Dai, J. Wu, H. Gan, Q. S. Liu, W. C. Chew, and W. E. I. Sha

Techniques for Characteristic Mode Analysis

Eigenvalue Crossing Avoidance in Characteristic Modes K. R. Schab, J. M. Outwater, Jr., M. W. Young, and J. T. Bernhard

Advanced Eigenvalue Tracking of Characteristic Modes E. Safin and D. Manteuffel

Computation of the Q Limits for Arbitrary-Shaped Antennas Using Characteristic Modes J. Chalas, K. Sertel, and J. L. Volakis

Antenna and Antenna Array Designs

Bandwidth Enhancement of Platform-Mounted HF Antennas Using the Characteristic Mode Theory T.-Y. Shih and N. Behdad

MIMO Mobile Handset Antenna Merging Characteristic Modes for Increased Bandwidth C. Deng, Z. Feng, and S. V. Hum

Systematic Shape Optimization of Symmetric MIMO Antennas Using Characteristic Modes B. Yang and J. J. Adams

Design of a Wideband, Tunable Four-Port MIMO Antenna System With High Isolation Based on the Theory of Characteristic Modes M. Bouezzeddine and W. L. Schroeder

Compact Multimode Multielement Antenna for Indoor UWB Massive MIMO D. Manteuffel and R. Martens

Null-Steering Antenna Design Using Phase-Shifted Characteristic Modes F. A. Dicandia, S. Genovesi, and A. Monorchio

Antenna and Scattering Analysis

Computing and Visualizing the Input Parameters of Arbitrary Planar Antennas via Eigenfunctions B. Yang and J. J. Adams

Analysis of Miniature Metamaterial and Magnetodielectric Arbitrary-Shaped Patch Antennas Using Characteristic Modes: Evaluation of the Q Factor M. H. Rabah, D. Seetharamdoo, and M. Berbineau

Reduction in Out-of-Band Antenna Coupling Using Characteristic Mode Analysis Q. Wu, W. Su, Z. Li, and D. Su

Electromagnetic Resonances of Individual Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes With Realistic Shapes: A Characteristic Modes Approach A. M. Hassan, F. Vargas-Lara, J. F. Douglas, and E. J. Garboczi

Characteristic Mode Analysis of a Class of Empirical Design Techniques for Probe-Fed, U-Slot Microstrip Patch Antennas M. Khan and D. Chatterjee