Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Synthesis and Optimization Techniques in Electromagnetics and Antenna System DesignY. Rahmat-Samii and C. Christodoulou
Evolutionary Programming in Electromagnetic Optimization: A ReviewA. Hoorfar
Stochastic Optimization Methods Applied to Microwave Imaging: A ReviewM. Pastorino
Comparison of Different Heuristic Optimization Methods for Near-Field Antenna MeasurementsJ. R. Pérez and J. Basterrechea
Advances in Particle Swarm Optimization for Antenna Designs: Real-Number, Binary, Single-Objective and Multiobjective ImplementationsN. Jin and Y. Rahmat-Samii
A Microparticle Swarm Optimizer for the Reconstruction of Microwave ImagesT. Huang and A. Sanagavarapu Mohan
Antenna Design With a Mixed Integer Genetic AlgorithmR. L. Haupt
An Autopolyploidy-Based Genetic Algorithm for Enhanced Evolution of Linear Polyfractal ArraysJ. S. Petko and D. H. Werner
Multiobjective Optimal Antenna Design Based on Volumetric Material OptimizationS. Koulouridis, D. Psychoudakis, and J. L. Volakis
Design of a Band-Notched Planar Monopole Antenna Using Genetic Algorithm OptimizationA. J. Kerkhoff and H. Ling
Broadband HF Antenna Matching Network Design Using a Real-Coded Genetic AlgorithmJ. L. Rodríguez, I. García-Tuñón, J. M. Taboada, and F. Obelleiro Basteiro
A Distributed Intelligent Agent Platform for Genetic Optimization in CEM: Applications in a Quasi-Point Matching MethodD. G. Lymperopoulos, N. L. Tsitsas, and D. I. Kaklamani
Geometry Reconstruction of Conducting Cylinders Using Genetic ProgrammingR. A. Wildman and D. S. Weile
Optimizing Antenna Array Geometry for Interference SuppressionP. J. Bevelacqua and C. A. Balanis
Kernel Antenna Array ProcessingM. Martínez-Ramón, J. L. Rojo-Álvarez, G. Camps-Valls, and C. G. Christodoulou
Antenna Optimization Through Space MappingJ. Zhu, J. W. Bandler, N. K. Nikolova, and S. Koziel
A Hybrid Method Based on Combining Artificial Neural Network and Fuzzy Inference System for Simultaneous Computation of Resonant Frequencies of Rectangular, Circular, and Triangular Microstrip AntennasK. Guney and N. Sarikaya
Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Broadband Antenna Design Based on a Parametric Frequency ModelY. Kim, S. Keely, J. Ghosh, and H. Ling
Projection Matrix Method for Shaped Beam Synthesis in Phased Arrays and ReflectorsA. K. Bhattacharyya
A Multiresolution Approach to Contoured-Beam AntennasF. Vipiana, G. Vecchi, and M. Sabbadini
Optimizing Arrays of Randomly Placed Wireless Transmitters for Receivers Located Within the Array VolumeW. F. Young, E. F. Kuester, and C. L. Holloway
Nonconventional Least Squares Optimization for DOA EstimationS. Burintramart, T. K. Sarkar, Y. Zhang, and M. Salazar-Palma
Fast Low-Sidelobe Synthesis for Large Planar Array Antennas Utilizing Successive Fast Fourier Transforms of the ArrayW. P. M. N. Keizer
Linear Antenna Array Synthesis Using Taguchi’s Method: A Novel Optimization Technique in ElectromagneticsW.-C. Weng, F. Yang, and A. Z. Elsherbeni
A Hybrid Optimization Method to Analyze Metamaterial-Based Electrically Small AntennasA. Erentok and R. W. Ziolkowski
Hybrid Algorithms for Electromagnetic Problems and the No-Free-LunchO. Quevedo-Teruel, E. Rajo-Iglesias, and A. Oropesa-García
Solving Some Array Synthesis Problems by Means of an Effective Hybrid ApproachM. D’Urso and T. Isernia
Boundary Conditions in Particle Swarm Optimization RevisitedS. Xu and Y. Rahmat-Samii
A Sub-boundary Approach for Enhanced Particle Swarm Optimization and Its Application to the Design of Artificial Magnetic ConductorsS. Genovesi, A. Monorchio, R. Mittra, and G. Manara
Design and Optimization of Three-Dimensional Integrated Lens Antennas With Genetic AlgorithmG. Godi, R. Sauleau, L. L. Coq, and D. Thouroude
An ANN Application for Fault Finding in Antenna ArraysA. Patnaik, B. Choudhury, P. Pradhan, R. K. Mishra, and G. Christodoulou
A Hybrid Genetic-Algorithm Space-Mapping Tool for the Optimization of AntennasM. F. Pantoja, P. Meincke, and A. R. Bretones
Genetical Swarm Optimization: Self-Adaptive Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm for ElectromagneticsF. Grimaccia, M. Mussetta, and R. E. Zich.