ForewordJ. Darrah;R. Haislmaier;R. Bostak;E. Vance
On the electromagnetic pulse produced by nuclear explosionsC. Longmire
System-generated EMPD. Higgins;K. Lee;L. Marin
Sensors for electromagnetic pulse measurements both inside and away from nuclear source regionsC. Baum;E. Breen;J. Giles;J. O'Neill;G. Sower
EMP simulators for various types of nuclear EMP environments: An interim categorizationC. Baum
Pulsed power for EMP simulatorsSmith;H. Aslin
Topological concepts for internal EMP interactionF. Tesche
External interaction of the nuclear EMP with aircraft and missilesC. Taylor
Surface current and charge density induced on aircraftYeong Hwang;W. Burnside
Electromagnetic penetration through apertures in conducting surfacesC. Butler;Y. Rahmat-Samii;R. Mittra
EMP response of aircraft antennasK. Lee;T. Liu;L. Marin
EMP coupling through cable shieldsK. Casey;E. Vance
Probability distribution of CW induced currents on randomly oriented subresonant loops and wiresW. Graham;Tse Mo
Linear and nonlinear EMP diffusion through a ferromagnetic conducting slabW. Karzas;Tse Mo
EMP coupling to power linesW. Scharfman;E. Vance;K. Graf
Analysis and synthesis of an impedance-loaded loop antenna using the singularity expansion methodR. Blackburn;D. Wilton
Broad-band analysis of VLF/LF aircraft wire antennasL. Marin;J. Castillo;K. Lee
Finite length cylindrical scatterer near perfectly conducting ground--A transmission line mode approximationT. Shumpert;D. Galloway
Application of the hybrid technique to time domain problemsG. Thiele;G. Chan
Computer codes for EMP interaction and couplingR. Bevensee;J. Brittingham;F. Deadrick;
Evaluation of a processing technique for transient dataPoggio;M. VanBlaricum;E. Miller;R. Mittra
Problems and solutions associated with Prony's method for processing transient dataM. VanBlaricum;R. Mittra
On a method computing transient wave propagation in ionospheric regionsK. Gray;S. Bowhill
Basic statistical concepts for analysis of random cable coupling problemsM. Morgan;F. Tesche