Guest EditorialP.-S. Kildal, A. A. Kishk, and S. Maci
The Design Synthesis of Multiband Artificial Magnetic Conductors Using High Impedance Frequency Selective SurfacesD. J. Kern, D. H. Werner, A. Monorchio, L. Lanuzza, and M. J. Wilhelm
Bandwidth Determination for Soft and Hard Ground Planes by Spectral FDTD: A Unified Approach in Visible and Surface Wave RegionsA. Aminian, F. Yang, and Y. Rahmat-Samii
Efficient Calculation of the Dispersion Diagram of Planar Electromagnetic Band-Gap Structures by the MoM/BI-RME MethodM. Bozzi, S. Germani, L. Minelli, L. Perregrini, and P. de Maagt
Modal Properties of Surface and Leaky Waves Propagating at Arbitrary Angles Along a Metal Strip Grating on a Grounded SlabP. Baccarelli, P. Burghignoli, F. Frezza, A. Galli, P. Lampariello, G. Lovat, and S. Paulotto
Modal Characteristics of Planar Transmission Lines With Periodical Perturbations: Their Behaviors in Bound, Stopband, and Radiation RegionsY.-C. Chen, C.-K. C. Tzuang, T. Itoh, and T. K. Sarkar
Homogenization of Metamaterial Surfaces and Slabs: The Crossed Wire Mesh Canonical ProblemM. G. Silveirinha and C. A. Fernandes
A Pole-Zero Matching Method for EBG Surfaces Composed of a Dipole FSS Printed on a Grounded Dielectric SlabS. Maci, M. Caiazzo, A. Cucini, and M. Casaletti
EM Scattering From the Edge of a Semi-Infinite Planar Strip Grating Using Approximate Boundary ConditionsP. Nepa, G. Manara, and A. Armogida
Fundamental Properties of the Field at the Interface Between Air and a Periodic Artificial Material Excited by a Line SourceF. Capolino, D. R. Jackson, and D. R. Wilton
Miniaturized Rectangular Hard Waveguides for Use in Multifrequency PhasedM. Ng Mou Kehn and P.-S. Kildal
Waveguide Miniaturization Using Uniaxial Negative Permeability MetamaterialS. Hrabar, J. Bartolic, and Z. Sipus
Guided-Wave Characteristics of Waveguide Based Periodic Structures Loaded With Various FSS Strip LayersR. S. Kshetrimayum and L. Zhu
A New Class of Dielectric-Loaded Hybrid-Mode Horn Antennas With Selective Gain Design and Analysis by Single Mode Model and Method of MomentsE. Lier and A. Kishk
Mode-Matching Modeling of a Hard Conical Quasi-TEM Horn Realized by an EBG Structure With Strips and ViasS. P. Skobelev and P.-S. Kildal
Electromagnetic Modeling and Optimization of Spatial Power Combiners/Dividers With Hard HornsM. Ozkar and A. Mortazawi
A Two-Dimensional Millimeter Wave Phase Scanned Lens Utilizing Analog Electromagnetic Crystal (EMXT) Waveguide Phase ShiftersH. Xin, J. B. West, J. C. Mather, J. P. Doane, J. A. Higgins, H. Kazemi, and M. J. Rosker
Characterization of a Volumetric Metamaterial Realization of an Artificial Magnetic Conductor for Antenna ApplicationsA. Erentok, P. Luljak, and R. W. Ziolkowski
An Electromagnetic Bandgap Curl Antenna for Phased ArrayJ.-M. Baracco, M. Paquay, and P. de Maagt
A Uni-Directional Ring-Slot Antenna Achieved by Using an Electromagnetic Band-Gap SurfaceF. Elek, R. Abhari, and G. V. Eleftheriades
Effects on the Radiation Characteristics of Using a Corrugated Reflector With a Helical Antenna and an Electromagnetic Band-Gap Reflector With a Spiral AntennaH. Nakano, K. Hitosugi, N. Tatsuzawa, D. Togashi, H. Mimaki, and J. Yamauchi
Radiation-Pattern Improvement of Patch Antennas on a Large-Size Substrate Using a Compact Soft-Surface Structure and Its Realization on LTCC Multilayer TechnologyR. Li, G. DeJean, M. M. Tentzeris, J. Papapolymerou, and J. Laskar
Artificial Magnetic Conductor Surfaces and Their Application to Low-Profile High-Gain Planar AntennasA. P. Feresidis, G. Goussetis, S. Wang, and J. C. Vardaxoglou
A Planar Resonator Antenna Based on a Woodpile EBG MaterialA. R. Weily, L. Horvath, K. P. Esselle, B. C. Sanders, and T. S. Bird
Application of Electromagnetic Bandgap (EBG) Superstrates With Controllable Defects for a Class of Patch Antennas as Spatial Angular FiltersY. J. Lee, J. Yeo, R. Mittra, and W. S. Park
Forward and Backward Leaky Wave Radiation With Large Effective Aperture From an Electronically Tunable Textured SurfaceD. F. Sievenpiper