AcknowledgementWilliam E. Gordon
Measurements of radio star and satellite scintillations at a subauroral latitudeR. Allen;J. Aarons;H. Whitney
The detection of the OH and other molecular lines in the radio spectrum of the interstellar mediumA.Barrett
Theories of the origin of radio sourcesE. Burbidge;G. Burbidge
Decametric radiation from JupiterJ. Douglas
Radio telescopesJ. Findlay
Radar investigations of the planetsR. Goldstein
Radar backscatter from the earth's ionosphereW. Gordon
Radar echoes from the sunJ. James
Radio-telescope antenna parametersH. Ko
Radio and radar astronomy and the exploration of the universeJ. Kraus
Thermal radio radiation from the moon and planetsC. Mayer
Thermal galactic sourcesT. Menon
Beam efficiency limitations of large antennasR. Nash
Hectometer cosmic staticG. Reber
Radio astronomy receiversM. Tiuri
Parametric amplifiers for high sensitivity receivers sensitivity receiversM. Uenohara;J. Elward
Requirements for cosmological studies in radio astronomyS. von Hoerner
The structure of the galaxy from radio observationsG. Westerhout