The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) allocated $240,000 for its Fellowship Program in 2024. The program aim is to promote areas of interest to IEEE AP-S among graduate students and postdoctoral fellows worldwide to facilitate their career pursuit in these areas. Researchers affiliated with an academic institute and mentored by a faculty or industry supervisor for the academic year 2024-2025 are invited to apply for support of their work on a proposed research project. The AP-S is committed to demographic, geographic, and disciplinary diversity in the selection of high merit applications.
To be eligible to apply:
- Both the applicant and their supervisor must be members of the IEEE AP-S.
- Students must be enrolled/admitted to a full-time Master’s or Doctoral degree program at an accredited institution for the year 2024-2025.
- Postdoctoral applicants must hold a full-time appointment at an accredited institution for the academic year 2024-2025.
- Former APSF student recipients may apply again only as higher degree students (or postdoctoral fellows).
- A supervisor is not allowed to mentor more than one APSF applicant during 2024-2025.
- The IEEE AP-S Fellowship (APSF) may be held in conjunction with IEEE AP-S travel grants and other IEEE awards.
Value of Awards
- APSF value is US$5,000 to support research project specified in application.
- APSF will be paid directly to the recipient (student or postdoctoral fellow).
- Project must continue for at least two semesters (26 academic weeks or longer) during the academic year 2024-2025.
- Project may commence on any date agreeable to both the student and the supervisor.
- APSF recipients are expected to remain active and engaged members of IEEE AP-S for 3 years from the date of award.
Project Site
- Students and postdoctoral fellows: accredited universities worldwide.
- Postdoctoral fellows only: Companies having a line of business in the IEEE AP-S areas of interests (listed below).
Advising Process
- Academia and industry supervisors must be individuals who are authorized by the university or company to conduct direct independent supervision of the student or postdoctoral fellow.
Research Areas of Interest
- Relevant areas include: antennas, including analysis, design, development, measurement, and testing; electromagnetic theory, including analytical and numerical modeling of radiation and scattering, propagation, interaction of electromagnetic waves with discrete and continuous media; and applications and systems pertinent to antennas, propagation, and sensing, such as applied optics, millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wave techniques, antenna signal processing and control, radio astronomy, geoscience, terrestrial and space-based communication, including wireless, mobile, satellite, and telecommunications, bio-EM imaging and techniques.
Application Process
Applications will include a single pdf file, composed of the following items:
- Application form, including the applicant and advisor names, the institute information, and the research topic.
- Evidence of active IEEE AP-S membership in 2024 (screenshot from, membership card, etc.)
- Applicant Curriculum Vitae, separately listing: previous education and current academic status, relevant research/work experience and projects, journal publications, conference publication, distinctions and awards.
- Research statement describing in detail the project, applicant’s aptitude for successfully carrying the project, and their intent to pursue a career in topics of interest to the IEEE AP-S. The statement should be in single column format, 10pt font size, no longer than 2 pages including figures, with up to 1 additional page for a reference list.
- Students within the first 2 years of their graduate program must attach also university transcripts.
Applications will be accompanied by a single pdf file by the advisor, sent confidentially, including:
- Advisor filled applicant evaluation form.
- Advisor letter of endorsement that confirms the student’s eligibility to apply.
- The applicants are responsible to verify their eligibility and that all material is submitted before the deadline. Missing items will result in significant reduction in score. Missing advisor file will automatically disqualify the application.
- Applications and advisor support letters must be submitted, separately, to
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , with subject lines “APSF24: Applicant Surname, First Name – Application” or “APSF24: Applicant Surname, First Name – Evaluation”.
Application Evaluation
To applications will be reviewed and assigned scores based on the following criteria:
- Quality and relevance to the AP-S of the research statement.
- Applicant’s aptitude for the proposed research, as reflected from their track record and experience.
- Advisor’s evaluation and endorsement letter.
- Academic standing of the applicant, as reflected from their CV (and transcripts, where relevant).
All material must be submitted before the deadline: June 1, 2024.
Notification of Results
IEEE AP-S will send an award decision to each applicant after the screening process is completed.
APSF Payment
The selected applicants will receive APSF payment in one installment of US$5000. AP-S will require students to fill out and submit forms W8/9 to process the payments.
Travel Allowances
APSF is not intended for covering travel expenses.
For More Information
Please contact Prof. Yaniv Brick at